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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God Gives Strength

Are you weak? Do you need more energy to run your race? Is your strength depleted? God can help.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak…. But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength” That’s this weeks scripture found in Isaiah 40:28-31. What a reassuring message! Life can make us weary… it can deplete us from the strength we need to get out of bed and do the things we are required to do. Yes, we can work out by lifting weights and taking our fitness walk. Those activities can provide us a level of fitness that enable our bodies to function physically, yet we also need additional inner strength to be able to function well. Since our mind, body and spirit are interconnected, how we feel spiritually or emotionally can effect or physical energy level. That’s where God can help.
A meaningful and personal relationship with God can give us inner energy and strength that can sustain us. Engaging in spiritual exercises like prayer, reading the Bible and abiding in God’s presence can help us tap into special power that only God can provide. When we are alone with God… when we “wait” on him, we are able to receive his strength. When we believe and trust what we read in scripture and in how God works, our hope is bolstered. This strong belief and hope, grounded in scripture, can give us strength. It’s the same strength that the Psalmist writes about in Psalm 138:3 when he says “As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.”

So, I’ll ask the questions again – Are you weak? Do you need more energy to run your race? Is your strength depleted? Curl up on a couch or your recliner or drop to your knees and spend some one-on-one time with God. Get to know Him better and see if He doesn’t bring you more inner strength.


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